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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (MrPanda1610): 12/16/2020 10:26:15 PM

The Witch Queen Petition

I am wanting to begin a petition for this track composed by user Nihil to be the title screen music for the Witch Queen DLC, or at least a rendition of it. Not only will this solidify Destiny and Bungie as a community driven game/developer but it will also bring in an awesome new track to the Destiny franchise. Everyone please give this track a listen I genuinely thought that Salvatori made it super early when I first heard it but to hear it's from a different, but talented, person blew my mind. Please either use this song or at least reach out to Nihil to create a rendition of this theme because it is genuinely a masterpiece. Please Bungie, let us the community give back and positively imprint ourselves forever into this franchise.

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