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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (cuhm): 12/30/2020 4:47:59 PM

Season 12 Is Terrible, arguably worse than Curse of Osiris

Before season 12 I was a relatively passive player from Shadow Keep onward, with a lot of time invested prior, for a few months seeing this new Stasis Class being added to the game came across as interesting and reignited a spark which I hadn't felt in Destiny since Forsaken, I believed it would be like the time when I first achieved my Not Forgotten - the game was great and I loved the grind, what I found out however was much the opposite. (this is more a PvP issue of mine. Stasis I do relatively enjoy in PvE, but only PvE). The entirety of the sandbox is horrible, previous to now I had kinda enjoyed the sandbox, with problems here and there with weapons that have low skill yet high reward and abilities much the same (mainly titans and their only play style eating cray- *cough* aping with a shotgun), but as the game was mainly a fair landscape I could look past these annoying factors. This I cannot do now, Stasis in PvP and the new damage numbers for weapons is awful. Stasis - Everyone who has played the game knows stasis is sh**, I have tried to use it but there is no enjoyment, despite it being the only counter. The game is filled with instant death and no brain use to do so with the least skilled being able to pump out many kills with the click of a button. The hunter's ability to throw a grenade and shatter leaves me speechless, who thought that would be fair, their super is just ridiculous, just another hunter panic button, a dodge can now slow (same applies, whoever came up with these and thought this would be good I cannot fathom). Next Titan, who thought oh titan the class that only apes in a straight line would be even better if we facilitated this further through cryoclasm, so if your ape isn't working, APE HARDER. Then in addition to this oh one movement improvement, newsflash, BROKEN MELEE, I dont understand how this is in the game. THEN ON TOP OF THIS, their super is stupid if you have played it then you understand, nothing can run from it (I feel like the heavy in the "meet the pyro" TF2 premier). Lastly the Warlock is dumb. Instant freeze melee, instant freeze super, instant freeze rift. What the ****. There is no such thing as skill in this sandbox, you can have incredible gun skill and hit your shots, but what's this *frozen*. I have a great idea for the story, the Darkness is bad no oh no the darkness takes stasis away crucible sorted for the most part, and as new stimuli for the player-base, rework the least utilised supers alike top tree dawn, my personal favourite improvement from bungie, simple yet effective. Regarding the weapon changes; I personally dislike these changes, apart from the change from 150rpm to 140rpm this I didn't mind as you have to now pace your shots or get good at aiming. I feel destiny is at its best when there is a fair time to kill all whilst maintaining skill i.e. dire promise and spare rations and old rpm 120s and 110s that were already good and now are broken. To get kills in the old sandbox it required headshots and precision, now it is 3 people with 120 rpms shooting your body and you die without anytime to respond, the only situation where this happens it with shotguns and snipers, and fusions, SPECIAL WEAPONS, things that are clearly meant to do this. I feel I am playing rainbow six siege where there is no concept of casual or even skill, just these weapons you have to use to do well and there is no enjoyment, just an incentive to no rage quit as early. As for pulse rifles and auto rifles I see them as pretty well adapted for the game, just some exceptions with weapons like No Time To Explain. Scout rifles also are well adapted for the game however there isn't much usage. I will also add there are outliers with some weapons that are apparent in how broken they are but I won't include them. Just as a thing many people have brought up, an issue is Icarus in PvP but this is best explained in this video I think: PvP at the moment is very stale, there shouldn't be anything that can remove all functions of movement like freeze as it defeats the purpose of PvP, it makes it PvE really, the concept is cool just clearly silly and apparent that no one enjoys it when you see the reaction from people, and the reviews on Steam. If you were to make expansions that kept the experience of PvP the same but introduced new maps it'd be great, and made activities like the menagerie it would also be good. There is no doubt that there is no possible way to fix the game as people have their opinions but by minimising the amount of problems would be the best way as you don't need all of these fancy abilities to entice people, just make it fair and then PvP will be seen as great for most people.

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