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1/11/2021 6:33:49 PM

sleeper simulant catalyst

Hi, Now, i have just completed these (to achive these i spent many-many hours playing with destiny, and not mention how much time i spent on to get catalyst itself...): 1.Defeat 1000 enemies with IKELOS shotgun 2.Defeat 1000 enemies with IKELOS sniper rifle 3.Defeat 2000 enemies with IKELOS smg Next requirement again the "Io-jys data retrieved", and i say it again, because "Io-jys data retrieved" was unlocked by the time when i completed the whisper heroic missions (did it 4 times to get ship and catalyst for the whisper of the worm). [u]While the whisper mission has been removed, is there any way to complete the sleeper simulant catalyst?[/u] Thanks, Tamas

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