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1/18/2021 5:52:54 PM

[PC/PS]-[US/EU/UK/AUS] FLEX Recruiting! | RAIDS | Low Mans | Day 1s

[u]*READ BELOW FULLY BEFORE APPLYING[/u] Clan page: [url][/url] [b]Who we are:[/b] High skilled gamers looking to further improve & increase skill & technique in endgame pve/pvp content with like minded gamers. [b]Main focus: [i]ENDGAME[/i][/b] - [u]We are an endgame Raids heavy clan foremost but some also take to the hardest PvP activities & challenges[/u]. We have a [b]no carry[/b] policy. You want to [b]flex[/b], you earn it. Aside from chill raids, we like to chase other hardcore challenges in raids like [b]low-man, low-man flawless, speed-runs & Day-1s![/b] [b]What we’re looking for:[/b] - Good raiding appetite. - Self-Initiative & Effort - we’re not a glorified lfg, we are a large team - a community. - Seasoned player NOT Seasonal. - Passion for the game beyond checklist triumphs & tags. - Chilled but skilled We are a PC & PS clan - we like to remain connected with our friends across both platforms till whenever cross-play kicks in 2021. We encourage self-effort to improvement as a gamer, taking up challenges, to better oneself & keep pushing the curve via [b]tourneys & FLEX-a-Thons![/b]. We value building friendships & bonds at the core of it all. Check out our recent clan event infographics! [url][/url] [u]We have a few requirements:[/u] - PC/PS4/5 | 21+ be mature | mic required | Discord mandatory - Beyond Light + season pass - NO Drama, Toxicity, Elitist behaviour, Racism/Sexism/Hate-speech, Edgy/Controversial topics - Be active - both in-game and discord. - Removal upon 2 weeks inactivity unless reason specified to an admin. We ourselves maintain a healthy balance of life, family, job, priorities and we understand it. We actually encourage it. [i]Have a life/responsibilities outside of the game/internet - school/job[/i]. If interested upvote & comment below/ DM any admin, we will get in touch with you shortly.

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