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2/16/2021 6:15:09 AM

Items being removed from inventory mid gambit game

[b]I WAS JUST PLAYING GAMBIT[/b] - i was mid game in gambit, and i wanted to swap to my Gnawing hunger and i was greeted by a missing weapon. - following many of my items were removed from my inventory. - on top of that i had almost HALF of my vault removed. What the actual hell am i supposed to do? did i do something wrong? i don't do anything out of the ordinary other than steamrolling in gambit. i was not using the d2 app at the time when this happened, my items were not in postmaster, and i did not salvage them being that A: they were locked, and B: i don't have any new materials that you'd get from dismantling over 30+ armor sets and exotics. What am i supposed to do? GG. go next?? this is not ok ask any questions you like, ill give you any info i can. or am i just getting screwed and going to find another game to play?

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