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3/8/2021 6:02:01 PM


[b]NOTE from FOUNDER:[/b] “I’m looking for a few good players who enjoy the game. Enjoy experimenting with challenging title triumphs. I want a player that loves Destiny even as it can be challenging at time with buffs or nerfs or subclass pangs! Join in. Create some good chemistry with new people and knock some grinds out :)” httpsq:// [u]WHAT WE WANT[/u]: Gamers who are non-toxic, fun-loving, want to be part of a community of people that are ALSO clan mates. Gamers who are willing to be helpful, and be helped. Learn/teach mechanics in raids or strikes or quests. Gamers who want to have fun and enjoy the game in the best and worst times (as Destiny has them all!) [u]HOW WE COMMUNICATE[/u]: We use a fairly new Discord server. We try to keep communication as consistent as possible. I certainly prefer notice for any changes that might occur concerning activity level and attendance. Communication is key! [u]WHERE ARE WE[/u]: We are a US based clan but open to PST, Central and EST timezones.

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