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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/8/2021 10:06:36 PM

Is Crow able to replace Cayde as "Best Character"?

No, never. No one can replace Cayde.


Perhaps. He's close, but isn't there yet.


Yes, he's already better than Cayde.


Cayde was never the best character though???


First off, title may be misleading. I understand that there are many of us who love(d) some characters more than Cayde, but we're strictly comparing Cayde and Crow here. If you love(d) someone other than Cayde, please share in the comments who they are, and why. So I've been playing through the battlegrounds lately, and I've been listening to all the dialogue going on. I've been really enjoying Crow's little quips and jabs at Saladin and Osiris. And with that, I found that Crow is filling the void that was left by Cayde's absence. Anyone relate? New favorite Hunter, anyone?

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