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Изменено (JustDanjy): 3/10/2021 4:20:56 PM

[PS] United Potato Squad - looking for a clan just for the perks without requirements??

My friend and I love Destiny and have played for many years on and off but it's mainly just the two of us. It would be nice to have some others available when you want to get some of the more challenging things done, just to have a 3rd and make the activity easier. I had a large(ish) clan a long time ago but it was difficult to maintain so now just have a small clan I created for the 2 of us for the perks but need more people to bump our banner XP up a bit. If you're not sure about joining a clan and don't really want to interact with anyone (unless you really want to) but want to join a clan to be a part of the perks (free engrams!) that come with it - why not join mine? You'd help me and my friend out but you can do as much or as little as you like. You don't have to be the best, have good aim and never die - we do that enough for everyone anyway. You're welcome to interact as much or as little as you want. I'm in the UK (GMT) and mainly play evenings and weekends (where I can and RL doesn't get in the way) and my BFF is in the US (CST) so is around later when I'm sleeping. Get in touch if you want to know more or comment below. Or just send a request to join! If you don't want to converse that's fine too - I just want more people in the clan for the banner perks and, on the off chance that we might get some more people to hop into activities when needed, that's a bonus. Check us out and send me a message/request - I'd just ask that you're over 18 and LGBT friendly, that's all. EDIT - oops forgot to add, we're on PS (both on PS5)

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