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Изменено (Kry): 4/3/2021 8:09:30 AM

Not receiving Eververse engram items

Hello, this happened a while ago but I'm just now reporting it as a future fix or if I was just this stupid unlucky. Around level 240-260, I received an Eververse engram and immediately opened it with a clean postmaster/inventory, I was given no items, not even bright dust. Usually it would show up as a loading box if it was just poorly loading in, however, when this happened, I received nothing new at all in either my shaders, or consumables and my bright dust didn't go up. I did not report this immediately as I grind out my level most of the time anyway so 1 eververse wouldn't be too big of a deal. But just now, I got from 270 to 280 and didn't receive 1 eververse engram, also with a clean inventory/postmaster, not sure if this was just bad luck again, a bug, or I never got the engram at those levels to begin with. Thanks.

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