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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/30/2021 12:15:48 PM

I'd want to have Royal Chase and Blast Battue as I have bought all editions of the game. Or at least buy them in Kiosk.

Bungie, as I paid for both Deluxe Beyond Light and Legendary Edition in January I'd like to get at least seasonal ritual weapons such as Royal Chase and Blast Battue! (So I sponsored content of seasons 12-15 but actually playing 13-15). Even now you are selling 12-15 Deluxe! Or at least buy them in Kiosk for example, as other weapons. Btw, I prey for the Martyr's Retribution to be obtainable in some way. Also, make it clear which exotic catalysts are being obtainable now in the game: so that would show me some sign in the Kiosk. Because some of the Exotics are not worth it without catalysts. Make some webpage where info would always be actual and precise. I need following catalysts listed below: Outbreak Perfected, Whisper of the Worm, Eriana, Bad Juju, Sleeper Simulant, Also, are following catalysts obtainable? Can't get one for the Hard Light, i.e. Graviton Lance, Hard Light, Vigilance Wing, Suros Regime, Jade Rabbit Thanks in advance, Viktor Ushakov

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