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9/14/2021 10:08:28 PM

Returning player having to pay for Forsaken 2 times?

This cant be real! I bought Destiny 2 when it first launched, played on and off as much as I could and stopped after forsaken just as Black armory came out. I bought the dlc's and forsaken at the insane prices they came with, and sadly I wasn't around to catch the transfer of my account from blizzard to steam (So I lost a ton of -blam!-, that obviously sucks and is bullshit in itself). But that's how it is, fair enough it might have been some logistic reasons I don't know. But here is my issue, now I am being told I need to buy Forsaken again because the full thing is not included in the free version on steam. Forcing me to pay for the same game content twice. (This is absolutely bullshit!) Is there anyway to restore the content I payed for to my new account? Is it even legal?(if its not, I have both time and energy!) and will full forsaken experience become available for free at any point?

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