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10/2/2021 3:51:25 PM


In honor of improving accessibility month. I propose that all activities include a section of joining allies at least 2 to three times during an activity. I had a group of friends try to help me with outbreak perfected at least 35 times while it was not deleted paid content. I was not able to get around from the vent to the other vent past the clasping floor. I never got my catalyst. Not because I couldn't do the last fight, but because I couldn't make my hands stay still on the buttons. I have diabetes and neuropathy and my thumb will just tap the jump button all by itself RANDOMLY. If my friends had been able to get me to the last room I could have helped with the fight and not have this continuous empty spot on my favorite pulse as a permanent reminder of how I can't do things. They helped me with my DMT catalyst because you allowed them to pull me through. Now I'm getting older and my eyes won't adjust so I can't see the places I need to duck or jump inside dungeons and raids. I would like a flash light mod for kinetic weapons that works always not just when the ghost decides to help. I've held up my entire raid in VoG several times because I'm blind in the tunnels. Please make my game more accessible.

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