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10/22/2021 6:40:20 PM

Frame Drops on keypress

I recently downloaded Destiny 2 from Steam and enjoyed playing the game. After looking at the DLCs I decided I wanted to give them a try. I realized that all DLCs are available on Xbox Game Pass for PC. So I uninstalled the game and reinstalled from the Microsoft store with DLC. Upon loading the game I noticed that while standing still I had 60+FPS but as soon as I make any input, clicking, keypress, etc., my FPS would drop to 5, accompanied by substantial input lag. I've tried looking up this issue and have found no fixes, I've tried editing the .xml file, removing the file, playing with and without Microsoft store DLC, uninstalling and reinstalling, setting a frame cap, adjusting all graphics settings, and there has been no fix. I had no issues with the Steam installation My hardware is and M.2 for the game, wired mouse and keyboard, Ryzen 3600, AMD 5700XT, 32GB 3200 Ram. If anyone has encountered this issue or has a fix please let me know.

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