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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/18/2021 10:40:28 PM

The Case for Shoulder Charge

How anyone can say that shoulder charge is or ever was a problem in the Crucible? It has a slow activation, a slow recovery animation, and tracking about as consistent as Mr. Magoo playing I Spy. And in a sandbox rife with shotguns and fusion rifles, of jumping hunters and dashing warlocks, to make consistent use of shoulder charge is tantamount to the toil of a digital Sisyphus. And I speak as someone who has accumulated 9000 melee kills in the Crucible. I have used it at all levels of play and can say in complete confidence that shoulder charge is FAR from lethal; annoying, sure, but let’s not let delude ourselves into believing that it’s anything more than a novelty whose effectiveness is reliant on a single exotic (Skullfort RIP). For all the risks involved, it MUST be a one shot lest it becomes relegated to the nebulous category of “movement option.” Ask yourself: when was the last time you saw a shoulder charging Titan place in the upper ranks of a team? When was the last time you even saw a top-tree Striker? Would you prefer the legions of ballistic slams about to descend upon the Crucible to diversity in subclass presence? The price paid for reactionary balance in response to a HANDFUL of powerful abilities is a -blam!- of the Crucible sandbox that pushes player choice toward only the most widely effective, bland play styles - more so than we already see. Why spend months crafting a build centered around non-lethal abilities? Are we not Guardians? Abilities enhance the gunplay, not detract from it. Let us Titans, bearers of the Six Fronts, strike! At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.

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