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12/21/2021 11:45:06 PM

Error code: canary

Hi, Since about November I’ve been getting error code canary most sessions that I play D2 on Steam, sometimes up to [b]3-4 times in a 3 hour session[/b]. I’ve followed all the guidance on the Bungie Help site to check my internet connection, tried using wired and wireless connections, and I’ve checked multiple times for any duplicate instances of D2 running, but I’m still getting this error. I don’t believe it can be down to my connection as my Discord chats have never been affected when I get the canary error. It’s really frustrating to be kicked from activities seemingly randomly, especially in pinnacle activities like Trials and GMs. Any guidance or suggestions on how to stop this happening would be really appreciated, or some info on if this is a known issue that’s going to be fixed!

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