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Изменено (CHR0cker): 1/4/2022 6:29:54 AM

Lost All of my Thousands of Resources

Hi, I baked a lot of Dawning cookies, and I had a lot in my postmaster. I was in orbit, so I used an app to get them from the postmaster. When it started adding them to my inventory, it was going through and deleting all of my planetary resources automatically, so I have none of the resources I've saved over many years. I lost: 5000+ Dusklight Shards. 3000+ Datalattice. 5000+ Etheric Spirals 6000+ Baryon Bough 16,000+ Gunsmith Materials Possibly more, but those are what I could notice immediately. This was not a purposeful deletion, it happened automatically without my permission, so I want to know if there is a way to restore the content, or at least to get some of it back partially. #Edit# The app just moved them to my Vault. They still were there. If this happens to you, check your vault.

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