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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/30/2022 7:13:10 PM

Error code chicken and cant log in

Across all platforms and servers people are getting kicked and unable to log in.. 3rd party apps say their accounts dont exsist

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  • Изменено (Error Code: Skill Issue): 1/30/2022 7:15:35 PM [quote]Players may encounter the CHICKEN error when they are having connection issues to Destiny 2. [b]Here are some steps players can take to try and resolve the issue:[/b] - A wired connection is recommended to play Destiny. If the connection is being used for other things when playing Destiny, such as streaming, it's recommended to quit those programs. - Clear the Console Cache or clear the download cache in the Steam launcher. - Power cycling the main router/modem. - Review our guide on improving latency and packet loss. - Follow our Networking Troubleshooting Guide for best optimizing the connection to Destiny, and our - Advanced Steps Networking Guide for possible router solutions, including information on UPnP, NAT, and Port Forwarding. - This may be an internet service provider issue, so players may need to contact their provider about possible service interruptions.[/quote]

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