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Изменено (Ygdra_Twighr): 2/9/2022 5:54:08 AM

Looking for Clan - LGBTQIA+, Code of Conduct, Gender Neutral, etc.

Hi I'm Ygdra, my pronouns are he/they. I main Warlock I'm looking for a clan of like minded weirdos to play Destiny 2 with. This [url=]poem[/url] sums it up pretty well who I want to party with. I say LGBTQIA+ because I am too. I want a space where everyone feels safe to be themselves. I say code of conduct because we're human and feelings get hurt, it's okay. Let's just have a set of written rules we all agree to abide by. I need to know mods or admin will step in so people aren't openly fighting in the PSN party. Gender neutral would be great. I saw someone with the PSN ID "Antifa Lockhart" and their profile page said "better to be bad at video games than mad at video games"; what a great idea to live by. What a great username. Thanks for reading I'll leave more in the tags but that's pretty much it. See you on Mars <3

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  • [b]Name:[/b] Drawn Swords (DRAW) [b]Members:[/b] Primarily ages 20-30s, located mostly in NA with some in EU and AUS [b]Activities:[/b] Raids, endgame, casual PvP [b]Time Zone: [/b]EST/PST, evenings and weekends [b]Discord:[/b] Required for text communications (link available in Clan Chat), mostly voice chat over PSN or Discord VC We are an 18+, inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming and female-led clan seeking to foster genuine friendship and mutual respect within our community. We have a Code of Conduct by which all members are expected to abide. We raid more than we do Trials but we do have members who chase the Lighthouse. We are just primarily into PvE content. We also play other games when Destiny is slow, like Minecraft, Apex, ESO etc, and we mostly play on PlayStation. Discord activity is **really** important to us. We want to build real community and real connections, not just be a personal LFG pool. We want that sweet loot but we also want every member to be treated as a person, not a number. Join so you can share your cat pics and epic kitchen fails with us in Discord, along with boasting about your Vex Mythoclast drop. If that sounds like something you want, then come check us out!

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