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5/3/2022 3:15:35 AM

How do I resolve my Cross Save issue?

So I've got an issue. When Cross Save first became a thing, I linked all my accounts---Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam. Now, before Cross Save, I had already signed in to my profile with both Xbox and PlayStation, but not Steam. And I have certainly connected my Cross Save to [i]my[/i] Steam account---I only have the one, after all. I decided last week to try and play on my PC. But I found that my characters and profile were somehow not synced up on Steam. I thought this was an issue on both my side and on Steam's side. I did some maintenance on my computer, redownloaded D2, and did everything I could to ensure it all worked. Turns out that it did not work. I come over to Bungie, and try to sign in for the first time with my Steam account. The site asks me if I want to either link with an existing account or to create a new one. I thought this was odd, as I am certainly already linked. I try to do as it suggests and link, but the sign-in page proceeds to give me an authentication error. And right before I typed this post, I tried to simply unlink my accounts to see if I can just try this all again in a few months. But the problem with that is that I need to authenticate all of my accounts---including my Steam account. The same problem that arose when I initially tried to sign in with my Steam credentials occurred---an authentication error. I know the terms of service say that Bungie cannot, under any circumstances, unlink accounts on their end. But I'm honestly at a loss on what to do to fix this. I cannot link an already linked account, nor can I unlink a purportedly unlinked account. I have no idea what happened. Any help would be most appreciated. Sorry for all the words, I just need to describe my particular situation.

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