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5/13/2022 8:56:10 PM

Vote Bruce Wizard for Offtopic President

Good afternoon and hail HYDRA. As many of you onion flavored guardsman are aware, the Offtopic Elections are coming up, and I am running for Supreme OwOverlord of Offtopic. Less than 24 hours ago, we had a breach here on this board. Some careless fool allowed a thread about Destiny be posted. This cannot be allowed to happen again! If elected, I will fortify the wall around the Destiny section of forums to further minimize the number of unauthorized breaches. I will also serve all onion flavored guardsmen pancakes every Thursday. All I ask in return is that you always brush your teeth. I cannot stress enough just how important dental hygiene is. Thank you for reading. Vote for Bruce Wizard! [T]7 [T]/ [b][i]HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!![/i][/b]

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