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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/16/2022 3:02:10 AM

How I’m suppose to love Destiny?

I'm pretty sad and disappointed; I'm back in Destiny 2 after more or less 2 years. I've always loved Destiny's lore and history, I was buying books and reading everything I could, but at the time, I needed a rest because I wasn't enjoying the game after shadowkeep. I returned to the game because I felt compelled to play the witch queen, so I went and (unwisely) bought everything from beyond light onwards; now I realise I can't play any missions to get up to date with the history of the game. Watching videos and reading shouldn't be the solution; I like to go through the game's history by playing. Vaulting the history of the game is the dumbest thing. The campaign should be something to feel attached to the game. New and returning players will never feel that by eliminating such an integral part of Destiny. End game and lame brainless activities. Bungie, you did it again.

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