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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/6/2022 5:02:04 PM

Micro-transactions an Mental Health.

I've debated on even talking about this , especially on these forums which tend to sadly be a heaven for fighting an no replies from Bungie , but screw it. (I'll try to compact everything) -The Eververse store is (imo) toxic- Why? It takes advantage of the players an uses Fomo to semi force a purchase, you SEE the limited time offer an think BUY NOW. Bungie says they care about mental health but it's a company not a living god, you can make all the pins you want but , they want your money an don't care if you spend 10000$ on their game. Bungie won't ever be perfect but the - *Fomo is killing this game an Live Service games (MMO-Lites). - Fomo needs to stop an the super secret reveals need to ease up. Not every season will be Witchqueen/Forsaken sized I understand but it needs to relax, Bungie you're mentally an financially bleeding your players, but you'll never see this anyway, release a half-baked season, have mods that say it's a learning experience an act like it's nothing. That's a talk for another talk but hey you'll ignore that too. - Don't lick rocks.

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