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Изменено (psdaly): 8/10/2022 5:07:27 AM

Broken Legacy Triumphs

The following triumphs are either uncompleted for those that completed them, or simply didn't exist at all during the appropriate season: [b]Season of the Hunt[/b] - [b]General[/b] - [b]Exotic Quest[/b]: [i]Leave None[/i] "Complete the Harbinger activity 3/5/10 times." [b]Season of the Lost[/b] - [b]Events[/b] - [b]Dawning[/b]: Currently called "[i]Techeun's Savior[/i]", which is another triumph entirely. shows that 0% of players have claimed this triumph, as it didn't exist during the Dawning 2021 event, and seems to be a bugged triumph. The triumph didn't have a title during Season of the Risen (Season 16), so it must have been added recently.

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