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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/27/2022 6:50:45 AM

Kings Fall Day 1 Experience and Feedback

Hey yall, just want to critique the balance of the day 1 kings fall experience and the day 1 raid experience in general. In short, the damage required for the first boss in DSC, VotD, and kings fall makes the event inaccessible. My clan has been damage gated at the first boss for all 3 of these raids. It's understandable that Bungie wants a solid dps check to make the raid race more competitive, but it's been a bit much for Atarax, Caretaker, and Warpriest. I hope Bungie can do some testing to find a better health total for these bosses. I'd rather not have to prepare the absolute best dps currently available. I think destiny is better when people can use what they enjoy most within reason. My team couldn't get Warpriest presumably because we didn't all have the new linear with firing line combined w either Izi or wither hoard. In conclusion, we are always excited for this event. Raids are special and require teamwork and friendship to figure out on day one. We'd rather be forced to figure out difficult mechanics than be forced to run the same load out as everyone else. Thank you to anyone who's reading this. Did anyone else have a similar experience? Cheers to all of us who will beat this first try tomorrow after challenge mode is disabled.

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  • What's truly sad is it is day 3 and I don't have a clear even. I spent the whole day yesterday shuffling through LFG groups, most of them didn't even know the raid. Get it all explained someone leaves and then have to explain all over again to the new guy. All of this while basically babysitting making sure everyone is positioned right, doing the mechanics right. Running Aeons because nobody else has them. Doing the harder mechanics because nobody wants to do them. Clearing the most ads because they sure as heck aren't. It's sad to me. The mechanics of the raid are simple when executed properly. There are so many guides out, why not watch one thoroughly before you join an lfg raid? Just a rant. The casual community in this game ruins it for me. I'd rather play with above average gamers and get it done.

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