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9/20/2022 12:43:56 AM

Stretched, floating geometry following me

This started happening after returned to the game a few days ago (September 17th), I first noticed that there was large massive strips of random geometry that showed up and a friend of mine was talking about it too cause he never saw them before. Today I found that the geometry was not only still there and floating but also that it was attached to my character specifically and everyone else in my instance can also see it. As its a visual glitch that everyone can see idk if reinstalling or verifying the files would fix this since idk what could be causing this to happen if I had done something to a file on my end, If so we could just reskin whatever we wanted too and everyone would show up on our end as that reskin but on the other PC's end it would be the vanilla game. Ive tried switching different armor pieces around, i tried taking off my helmet in the tower, i tried changing weapons, none of them seemed to work except for when I took a Whispering Slab out i for some reason could not see it anymore on my end but idk if that means that the graphical glitch was just behind me in the instance i was in or not.

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