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Изменено (CapnKen): 10/15/2022 1:12:09 AM

Unable to Claim Prime Gaming Reward - Rock Out Exotic Bundle

EDIT: This issue has now been resolved and I finally got my rewards from Halliday 10 days later. My Accounts are linked, and I claimed the 'Rock Out Exotic Bundle' from Amazon Prime Gaming. It states that I claimed it on October 1st and that it's been sent to my Bungie, Inc. account. When I look at Partner Rewards in, the bundle does not show and when I log into the game, Amanda Halliday does not have anything for me to collect. I'm now following the next steps from Amazon Prime Gaming suggesting that I come to the forums for help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Amazon showing that I claimed the reward: [url][/url] showing that it hasn't been claimed: [url][/url]

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