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12/20/2022 1:50:47 AM

spire of watcher fans, final jump geometry problem

noticed during my flawless that 2 things just kpet constantly killing me. 1. the first jump in fans, when you go in and trying to get down, if you jump to the crack in the wall the fan spinning above you instantly kills the player, why is it not boxed up or something? 2. very last jump in the fan section into the crack on wall like zero hour is not working, the bump that pushes you out actually located at waist/shoulder level, making the jump into the crack impossible. the fan will hit you and sends you flying. having RNG LUCK FOR JUMPING is not fun at all, it feels like i'm actually owed that flawless run, not even had problems with silent supplicant, just the impossible geometry of that last jump where the crack i blocked off. did the entire dungeon flawlessly, all jumping puzzles and encounters, except this geometry problem. solo flawless requirement needs to be removed, emblem should comefrom just solo.

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  • Изменено (Siegfried, the First Saint): 12/20/2022 1:08:56 PM
    [quote]1. the first jump in fans, when you go in and trying to get down, if you jump to the crack in the wall the fan spinning above you instantly kills the player, why is it not boxed up or something?[/quote] just run into the gap, don't jump, it's not difficult [quote]2. very last jump in the fan section into the crack on wall like zero hour is not working, the bump that pushes you out actually located at waist/shoulder level, making the jump into the crack impossible. the fan will hit you and sends you flying.[/quote] Then just be careful and don't end up in the fan 🤣 [quote]having RNG LUCK FOR JUMPING is not fun at all, it feels like i'm actually owed that flawless run, not even had problems with silent supplicant, just the impossible geometry of that last jump where the crack i blocked off.[/quote] It's not RNG either, it's a skill issue I've now completed the dungeon +20 times with no problems in the fan You just have to know how running works and how jumping works

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