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1/13/2023 9:33:37 PM

Missing Solar Elemental Well Mods

Action: I applied two solar elemental well mods, one void elemental well mod, and non-specific elemental well mods on my titan armor pieces today. Problem: The two solar elemental well mods I have applied no longer show up in combat style mod slots or collections as of today, I noticed this when I tried to find them to reapply on a higher stat armor piece. Missing are "Bountiful Wells" and "Well of Life." Confirmation: My void elemental well mod that I applied (Enduring Wells) can still be reequipped, and also show up in my collections, along with non-specific elemental well mods in contrast to the two solar elemental well mods. I've also tried restarting Destiny 2, validating my files, and checking online for similar issues to no avail. Help: Looking for an explanation as to why I'm missing solar elemental well mods even though I just equipped them this morning. I also did not know how to directly contact bungie about this error so if anyone could redirect me, that would be great.

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