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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (skullbucket): 1/22/2023 12:00:03 AM

Buff higher difficulty lost sector exotic drop rates. This is ridiculous.

I'm just gonna post my armchair solution to this problem up here so ya'll stay with me. Legend Lost Sectors should drop exotics more frequently. It should not be taking upwards of 8 runs to get an exotic under any circumstances. Master Lost Sectors should not only drop exotics more frequently, but should allow you to rule out half the options you don't want. How you could theoretically do this: take the framework from the Lure from Season of the Hunt, and instead of slotting things to rule out perks, slot things to rule out exotics. Let's say I want a Cuirass of the Falling Star. In the lure, there would be two groups. One has Cuirass, Actium War Rig, Crest of Alpha Lupi, and Armamentarium. The other group has HOIL, Severance Enclosure, Hallowfire Heart, and Hoarfrost-Z. Slot the right thing, rule out half the group, and go do the lost sector. You could even tie it to ritual activities if you absolutely needed to. Why yes, I would like to work for Bungie, so nice of you to ask. My qualifications are Scratch and Zilch. Rationale for these changes has been rambled below. So Bungie, you feel that completion of X activity, in this case, legend lost sectors, earns the player Y reward. But... only some of the time. Alright, so what's a fair number of lost sector completions that would earn you an exotic? Well, I'm not proving anything by completing something more than once. I have already proved that I can complete the activity, and I can do it over and over again, and this activity is something you feel should grant an exotic. So what, may I ask, is the point of anything less than a 50% chance at an exotic on legend and a 100% on master? I would point to triumphs for how to handle the dropping of 'valuable' items: you complete a triumph that has a reward tied to it, and then you get the thing. Very simple. Oh, but you can get random stats on your armor, so the point is to slowly work your way up to high stat armor across the board, right? Well, man I'd love to, but after completing 6 legend lost sectors without a SINGLE exotic drop, I am over it. Trust me, I know 6 isn't 'that many' runs. One time I went 29 completions of another moon lost sector before No Backup Plans would drop. That shouldn't have been acceptable then, and I am putting the foot down and saying these drop rates are absolutely unacceptable. They fundamentally disrespect the player's time: first you have to get an exotic to drop at all, then it has to be the one you want, and then it has to have the stats you want. No exotic? Oh well, sucks to suck. Not the one you wanted? Sucks to suck. Not the stats? Eh, it's not that big a deal... it's mainly the other two that are the problem. If I was getting an exotic every 2 or 3 runs, all would be well. If I was able to target the exotic I want, and it would take 5 or 6 completions, fine. At least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, instead of a tunnel, it's a pit. A bottomless, exoticless pit that does almost nothing but waste your time. One more thing, don't try to pull the 'new player' card on me, I've played since vanilla D1. Inb4 beta andys

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