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Изменено (Antares): 2/17/2023 2:28:45 PM

Looking for a clan to begin lightfall with, endgame pve

Hey! I am an active player who does raids and other endgame PVE activities. I’ll put my raid report down below but I have plenty of clears in all of them. Used to do the three man stuff but haven’t in a while, wouldn’t mind going for that again. Would love to go for the day 1 clear of the new raid coming out. Honestly just trying to find a chill clan that has positive vibes. Don’t mind the sweatier clans but def want a chill vibe. Love to help teach and Sherpa if others need the help in any raid or PVE activity. Don’t do much pvp, so if you want that I’m not your guy. Feel free to send me a message or comment below. Have discord, play on pc, and NA -Antares

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