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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/20/2023 10:51:49 PM

Overload champions in legend lost sectors

It seems like when I stun a champion it's stunned for 2 seconds then all of a sudden back to full health even when it's stunned and tangled they are regenerating health. Now I've been trying to do this for the past few days. Is this a bug or did Bungie do this for a reason? If so I'd like to know how to complete a legend lost sector solo if that's the case pleasd

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  • [quote]It seems like when I stun a champion it's stunned for 2 seconds then all of a sudden back to full health even when it's stunned and tangled they are regenerating health. Now I've been trying to do this for the past few days. Is this a bug or did Bungie do this for a reason? If so I'd like to know how to complete a legend lost sector solo if that's the case pleasd[/quote] Suspend effects stun Unstoppable Champions while Unraveling weapon rounds stun Barrier Champs; while Overload Champions can be Suspended or afflicted with Unravel, they are not inherently stunned by Strand effects. This can be seen on your Character Screen in the list of Champion stunning abilities and weapons available to you, just to the right of your equipped weapons. If you intend on running a Strand subclass for a Legendary Lost Sector with Overload Champions present you will want to equip a weapon capable of stunning them either intrinsically or through the use of an Artifact mod. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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