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3/11/2023 4:02:15 AM

steam version going black screen then crashing when going into the cosmodrome

first time i booted up the game i was able to play it just fine, but i had to head to work so i quit before starting the very first mission. when i got home, tried to boot it up again, cutscene worked fine but after that it would go to black screen with audio still going, say not responding, then crash after a brief audio stutter. i tried troubleshooting, then decided to make a new character just in case there was a glitch with the character because i closed out of the game so early. i made a new character, then it starts working just fine, i could actually play the game. i thought, oh ok, that was the issue. i play for like an hour and a half, no issues, finish the very first mission then i go into the loading zone and mess around there for a bit and do a public event. i wanted to play with my friend, but i decided i wanted to test to see if it really was going to work so i quit the game and got back into it. i add her, join her clan, no problem. but when i try to go back into the landing zone now, i get the same exact issue as earlier where it goes to a black screen with sound, tells me it's not responding, then audio stutter then crash. it happens whether she's in the party with me or not, and i can go through all the menus just fine but the issue arises when i try to go into the landing zone in the cosmodrome. any ideas of how to fix this?

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