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3/24/2023 1:35:49 AM

Perfected thoughtstealer not being rewarded

There are two triumphs associated with completing the dungeon without dying. The first is called Flawless Thoughtstealer and it specifically states “complete all encounters in the duality dungeon as a fireteam without dying”. The second is called Perfected Thoughtstealer and states “complete all encounters in the Duality dungeon without dying and without leaving the activity”. There is only one thing that should distinguish the two. Perfected Thoughtstealer required you to not leave the activity and rewards an emblem. I accomplished this feat and was not given my emblem. And i know what youre going to say. “Thats for SOLO flawless.” Well where does it say “SOLO” or “”ALONE” or “BY YOURSELF”? It does NOT. Dungeon report me. Name is Lookiepoo. I did what it asked and i want the emblem.

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