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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/24/2023 11:49:09 AM

Stuck on 'Installing Destiny 2 - verifying content' screen for hours

Hi Bungie, Ever since last Tuesday i.e. 21/03/2023 (UK time 1700 hours), every time i try to load Destiny 2, i am welcomed with the 'Installing Destiny 2' screen with a 'Verifying Content' progress bar. The progress bar keep running till it reaches 82% and then stops. Nothing happens for hours. The background music start to do it's usual stop-start behavior (which is typical of the Lightfall DLC issues, before it complete crashes). What should i do to be able to play the game again. I congratulated you for getting paid for this game. Now please can you fix the game, so that you can congratulate me for being able to play it. Looking forward to anything, a response, a fix (perhaps that is a bridge too far right now) Feeling sorry for the developers and programmer behind the scenes getting battered with complaints and issues. Who's project management decision was it to release it when clearly it was not ready yet?

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