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Изменено (N7 Bulwark): 3/30/2023 2:41:49 PM

Was I kicked from fireteam or is this a bug?

This happened last night; Defiant Battlegrounds Legend difficulty. I know forums aren't exactly the place to report a player however the activity isn't listed in the game history. I've even looked at the fireteam leader's, and the other member's game history and the activity isn't listed there either. Other activities (such as Crucible matches) are being recorded in the game history since last night; it's just the activity that I was kicked from that wasn't recorded. If the notification "REMOVED FROM FIRETEAM" is accurate, I would like to report the fireteam leader if at all possible. I have the Bungie profile and Xbox Live Gamertag, but I am not sure the right way to go about it without the game history being recorded.

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