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Изменено (soviet): 4/12/2023 9:47:41 PM

Game freezes and takes PC with it...

Very long story long. Iv been playing the game without anyproblems for years now. I decided its time to build a new PC. I did. And 2 months iv been enjoying Destiny on a new pc without any problems. I run other games like new CoD and other more strenuous games for HW than destiny is. After previous update, the game sudenly started, without any changes in setting, apps, downloaded files, additions, external destiny apps, simply without any changes in the pc, freezing up. It just sudenly STOPs. And with it everything else. There is no warning, no symptoms nothing. I cant control PC not even numlock indication wrks on keyboard. I even waited a lot of minutes if it doesnt unfreezes it self or if i can spot BSOD, nope. I need to turn off the PC thru the button on the case and i have to hold it. When does it happen? Any time any place. It happened on orbit, in strikes, in raid, in last Calus fight in story mission... but when i know that it happens immediately for me and thats how i was testing all the changes i did in attempt to fix the issue, is Defiant Battlegrounds. I go thru the first part no problem. But the moment i get ported into the shadow realm and i see all that dark/light? Freeze. Strange thing is. The problem fixed it self aprox 12 days ago. And i enjoyed aprox 10 days of gameplay without any interuptus even in that Defiant Battlegrounds. And 2 days ago? BAM again. And it keeps happening since on random moments. Like today i launched PVP Comp. 3 matches no prob. then i got on orbit to get to another one... BAM. So what did i do before posting this here? Read all relevant posts here, googled and did all i could. Including old drivers, new drivers, update on bios and everything, steam cache clear, Destiny reinstal, multiple mem tests and SSD tests, compatiblity checks on HW, a lot of settings tweeking including the minimum settings, CVAR shadow set to 0, lighting a candle, burning incense and praying to all gods there are, all overlays turned off, apps removed and uninstalled, bios tweeked, asking an IT company to check my PC (i work for gaming PC manufacturer so its EZ for me) and all ended with good results for PC that is healthy. Every other game, app, thing that is in the PC wrks. Its not about heat with the overkill cooling i have, same goes about PSU, not enough ram or dust in the PC slots or a goblin livin inside my case. Somebody help. Iv played since D1, spend some silver, brought all my friends to try the game and i actualy realy like what Bungo did with this season. I finaly, after couple years like the whole game including PVP trials (which i didnt oh believe me i hated that). And now i cant enjoy the game. “Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're My Only Hope.”

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