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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/15/2023 12:12:55 AM

Was doing Competitive PvP on playstation and was disconnected

Was just about to get my third match win in Pvp for this weeks rose weapon and pinnicle gear. The match was rift and i was surprisingly doing very good against the opponents team, did the final rift and the game was declared. But when that happened my screen went black with the loading emblem at the bottem right and next min the screen for opponents defeated came up decaleing that we have won as that happened i was then pushed back into orbit almost immediately and was given a 30 suspended notice as it thought i had quit the game. but early today when i went into competition PvP the screen went black and stayed that way so i had no choice to leave and so did the rest of the players im assuming as i could hear my weapon being raised and lowered i was still able to get into the rest of the game like the menu for my toon and the directory for the navigation. I dont know what to do and i cant contact bungie directly so ive no choice to come to the forms for help and see if the Game masters can help with this

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