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4/26/2023 1:54:34 AM

Unable to get past 'Signing in'

For the past couple of weeks, I have been unable to sign into Destiny 2. I cannot pass beyond the login screen; after it says 'Connecting,' it says 'Signing in,' and stays there until failing with the following message: [quote]Destiny 2 servers are not available. Dismiss this message to try again. For more information, visit[/quote] Here's a list of troubleshooting steps I've already tried: - Restarting computer - Disabled all wireless adapters that were unrelated to the Wi-Fi card that my computer uses - Tried 3 different network connections, one over ethernet - Reinstalled game - Inspected network traffic using Microsoft Network Monitor >- Network Monitor shows DNS queries for `` and ``, where X is either 7 or 8, or perhaps numbers I haven't yet seen >>- `` resolves to `` through nslookup >>- `` resolves to `` >>- Both IPs resolved above are in the Bungie IP block >>- When pinged, both IPs show 'Request timed out,' but this is behavior exhibited even by other systems that can play Destiny 2 on other networks >>- These connections [b]are not acted upon[/b], and no traffic is being sent using either of these IPs as a destination Here's some information that are relevant to diagnosis: - Windows 10, AMD Ryzen 7 4800HS, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Max-Q; laptop model ROG Zephyrus G15 (GA502UI) - Other systems on the network can connect and play just fine; this is an issue specifically with my system - BattleEye is not throwing errors and is properly updating >- Without internet, BattleEye does not work and the game cannot be launched - No system proxy is being used - Google and Cloudflare DNS are being used, but using default DNS does not solve the issue - No hosts file entries are related to Destiny or Bungie - There may have been some software installed around the time that this issue started happening, but I have not experimented with uninstalling software installed around the time this started happening - It is very unlikely that the software installed dealt with special network devices - [b]VPNs do not work on my system.[/b] I have yet to deduce why, but both OpenVPN and WireGuard throw strange errors and prevent my network connection from functioning. It is very possible these behaviors are related, as VPNs at least a couple months ago did work. Does anyone have any potential solutions or troubleshooting steps I may be missing? Assume reinstalling Windows is off the table; I know for a fact that reinstalling Windows will solve this issue but setting up my existing development environment and software again is trouble I'm almost not willing to put myself through just to get this game running again.

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