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Изменено (Last Extremity): 5/24/2023 9:35:03 PM

Lost Emblems

Hi there, I know that Bungie recently cracked down on Emblem Sharing, which caused people to lost access to certain emblems. [b]That is not my issue.[/b] I lost access to some of my Digital Deluxe Edition Emblems (Such as a the Benighted Omens emblem from Shadowkeep, in addition to the Digital Deluxe Emblems from both Forsaken and base Destiny 2.) I went back in my purchases history and found the receipt for my purchases on Xbox of the Digital Deluxe versions, so I know that I should own these emblems, however it says that I do not have access to this emblems on PC. Both the Forsaken and base D2 emblems are not appearing in my PC emblem collections. Is there a way I can have this fixed? I own all the respective content need to own these emblems and have proof of purchase, and I would just like to be able to use these emblems on my cross-saved PC account, since that is my main platform now.

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