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5/25/2023 1:17:50 PM

Endorsements screen no longer appearing.

PC I can no longer see the endorsements screen nor give out endorsements whatsoever. I can still receive them, as shown by my hunter friend in these pictures who can still see me (The Titan, Bucket), but have lost all ability to see the commendations screen. The option for it no longer even appears in the top right for me, while for my friend it still does. This started while I was playing some strikes, it was working as intended and then one strike, it wasn't there and has not come back. There seems to have been no cause for this, but it has been over a day now and the problem still persists - even through changing characters, restarting the game, the pc etc. It's as if my game never got the update all of a sudden. Any help would be massively appreciated.

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