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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/31/2023 1:29:07 PM

Maybe let PvP players choose what maps they wanna play on? Or let us blacklist the maps we absolutely hate?

I swear to god if I get Twilight Gap again, the second worst map after Convergence (and maybe Conjunction) I'll lose my mind. Why force us to play in a map rotation? Why can't we just pick the maps we want to play on, like any other PvP game? I hear your cries, before you say that "it splits up the pvp population" no it doesn't. The maps are objectively bad in this game and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY wants to play on Conjunction or Twilight Gap. The maps are terrribly designed, clustered. Why can't they just make maps like Jav4, the best map in the game? Clean, simple.

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