Overdue Update to Stasis Shards (and Stasis Overshield)
[b]Elemental pickups are an amazing mechanic to subclass interactions[/b]. Generating plenty of Ionic Traces, Void Breaches or even Tangles is very satisfying in a gameplay standpoint: rewarding us for our builds which in turn, can further improve what we already have.
However, [b]Stasis Shards have been left behind[/b]. Unlike the Light subclasses that rely on Fragments, or Strand that relies on Strand-debuffed eliminations, [b]Stasis Shards still rely on Aspects[/b]. It feels quite restrictive to let go of a potentially powerful Aspect in favor of creating Stasis Shards when none of our other Subclasses have to make such a sacrifice.
One way to update Stasis Shard generation is to [b]update existing Aspects[/b] like what happened to Solar and Void:
* [armory]Whisper of Bonds[/armory] - Eliminating Frozen enemies creates a Stasis Shard
* [armory]Whisper of Durance[/armory] - Eliminating Slowed enemies create a Stasis Shard
* [armory]Whisper of Hedrons[/armory] - Freezing enemies creates a Stasis Shard
Tangle creation has a cooldown, so adding a cooldown to Stasis Shard creation would be appropriate. After all, Glacial Harvest (Warlock) has a cooldown on the creation but other Aspects don't.
But wouldn't updating the Fragments make the Stasis Shard Aspects relevant? Yes, unless we update them too. Other than Stasis Shards, Stasis Overshield has too much setup with minimal reward because they rely so much on generating Stasis Shards and equipping Whisper of Rime:
* [armory]Tectonic Harvest[/armory] - shattering nearby Stasis Crystals creates a Stasis Overshield
* [armory]Glacial Harvest[/armory] - Freezing multiple enemies creates a Stasis Overshield
* [armory]Grim Harvest[/armory] - eliminating nearby Slowed or Frozen enemies creates a Stasis Overshield
These Aspects can end up giving more Overshield than a Stasis Shard or two but with a cooldown, allowing better potency without being too spammy.
I would like to think that these changes would make Stasis Shards more accessible and rewarding for PvE without necessarily making it too accessible and oppressive in PvP
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