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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/5/2023 11:44:12 PM

You ran out of ideas

I used to hunt all Destiny 2 Triumphs since I remember, that made me feel happy and busy getting all of 'em.'Till now I've never found someone with my score, But I'm not going to fish all that particular fishes, this is the worst decision you have ever made since you take off Trials of Osiris when Iron Banner is active. This activity is such disgusting as the new skill matchmaking, always tryhards against bot team, such as Le monarque n PVP playlists, such as triple titan spaming stasis, such as the pulse rifle / submachinegun meta. Maybe you don't care about it, as everything you've been doing these couple years. I'm really sorry you ran out of good ideas. I'm really sorry 'cause this is my favorite game. Anyway, unfourtunetly nothing last forever.

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