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6/19/2023 2:23:31 PM

Annual Pass and Lightfall Dungeon Key NOT Working

I have a friend who owns and installed the Annual Pass and the Lightfall Dungeon Key and still does not have access to the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon or the Season 21 pass and seasonal content. I recently gifted the $100 Destiny 2: Lightfall + Annual Pass to my friend. The description for that version says "Includes Lightfall, the new raid, two dungeons released in Season 21 and 23, a new Exotic Sparrow, the Quicksilver Storm catalyst and ornament, and Season Passes for Season 20, 21, 22, 23." In game when he goes to the Store and to the Expansions tab it shows he owns the $100 Destiny 2: Lightfall + Annual Pass. However, it doesn't show that he owns the Lightfall Dungeon Key but it should. He is playing on PC and the version I gifted him was the PC version. He originally played on xbox and recently transition to PC, linking his xbox and Steam. He does now have access to Lightfall, received Rahool's stash, the Exotic Sparrow, the Quicksilver Storm catalyst and ornament. He however still doesn't have access to the Season 21 pass or seasonal content and he still does not have access to the dungeon, Ghosts of the Deep). It has been 3 days since he installed the expansion. He has been on each day to check his this issue and nothing has changed. He has also been checking with Hawthorne and she doesn't have a dungeon key for him and won't allow him to pickup the quest for Ghosts of the Deep. He has also gone into Steam Settings > Downloads and cleared the cache. To whome it may concern, thank you for your time. I look forward to your help in resolving this issue.

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