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Изменено (Spawn): 6/20/2023 5:34:58 AM

CROSS SAVE CASE number from Microsoft : 7019790015

I have been told that bungie cannot, more so should I say WILL NOT remove an account associated with cross save , even if the account does not exist that is associated with it. This is quite frankly bull, because it only takes a skilled dev to manually override an account associated with this cross save. The fact that ppl in this forum are saying otherwise baffles me. I can provide full proof that all EXISTING accounts in my cross save are indeed mine, all I need is the Xbox account removed, I do not understand why this is so difficult to perform. Furthermore I have spoken with xbox support on this issue and the case number provided should further solidify that this is indeed an issue that should be resolved by bungie .

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  • Изменено (viiTactiiCZz): 6/20/2023 6:26:09 AM
    [quote]The fact that ppl in this forum are saying otherwise baffles me. [/quote] Obviously its possible at db level, but make an exception for one and you have to do it for all the others - including the people that Bungie themselves have told for years now that they cant/wont do it for, so they wont make an exception for you. Bungies own official stance is they cannot alter setups due to their policy on account security and privacy [quote]Destiny Player Support and Bungie cannot modify or remove accounts linked to profiles. To protect player privacy and data, you must be able to log in to any linked accounts to prove ownership prior to modifying your linked account. If you no longer have access to a linked account, you will need to reach out to the specific platform’s support for assistance with account recovery options.[/quote]

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