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Изменено (Spawn): 6/24/2023 11:08:30 AM

How does my former Bungie Name violate the Code of Conduct?

Until recently my Bungie Name was MadmaHord, which is a username I use on PS4 (with no problems) and all over the web, and is a reference to a line from the Old English poem Beowulf: "Nu ic on maðma hord mine bebohte frode feorh-lege" - "Now that I have sold my old life for a hoard of treasures". When I relogged in to Destiny 2 recently after some time away, my Bungie Name had been changed to Guardian2843. I understand that this can happen at any time, but what I don't understand is why. As far as I can tell, I have no information as to which of the Name Policies my former name had breached. I would not have chosen a name that violated Bungie's policies, had I known that it violated those policies. Please could you provide more detail as to where the problem lies, so that I can avoid issues better in the future.

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