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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Blackbriar): 6/30/2023 2:31:22 PM

Seasonal arenas become crucible and gambit maps?

I have no clue how hard it is to program or import maps in different game modes but I see a lot of untapped potential in seasonal areas being reused in crucible and gambit. I would love to see Bungie use the haunted Leviathan or black armory forges as gambit maps. Plunder asteroids and ketches or the sundial for crucible. The boss area from defiance or the lost would good make a cool locations for either mode. I know it’s likely this has already been considered or not feasible but (in my opinion) leaving these awesome locations unused is a shame. It would definitely show some love to these neglected sides of the game.

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