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7/5/2023 7:12:58 PM

Can't access season pass or triumphs on the site

Over 2 weeks ago I have turned off cross save in an attempt to unlink PSN account that I no longer have access to. Today I tried checking my season pass progress after logging in through the website, and I get a message "Play destiny 2 to unlock". Same thing happens with previous season rewards. when I try to open triumphs it tells me "A destiny account is required to use this feature". The issue is... I was literally playing the game 5 minutes ago. I am logged in through steam, which is and always was my primary account holding all my characters. What can I do to get access back. Companion app is working, it's letting me acquire bounties, it's letting me access the seasonal rewards and triumphs. It's just the website that is going crazy.

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