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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/19/2023 4:59:43 PM

I WILL pay money for these

Bungie I will be entirely honest. Every time an exotic weapon gets a drastic total makeover skin to make it look like an Eliksni, Hive, or Cabal-made weapon, I cannot resist. I simply MUST have it. There are exotics I never touched until such skins came out for them. I'm a total sucker for these. Plus, the great Chaim Topol, who sadly passed away March this year, did his famous wild shaky dance during his song "If I were a rich man" from Fiddler On The Roof. Give us that dance, and have it on a loop if you can, please. I know Destiny 2's younger petulant fan base probably don't have any idea who or what I'm talking about, but c'mon the dude was a legend. These are oddly specific, wildly different Eververse asks, but I would in fact pay for them.

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