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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/11/2023 10:10:33 PM

New players in need of advice on what to do next...

Hey Guardians! My partner and I started D2 two weeks ago, made it through the weeds, both really enjoying the game and now need some guidance! A few things: we have the season pass, got the Legacy DLC Pack, just finished the main campaign in Shadowkeep, are both Rank 6 and sitting around 1760. We both only have a few fragments/aspects for Void, Arc and Solar subclasses and most gear is around 3-6 energy with some mods. We both have completed the subclass quests and received the exotics (he’s a Hunter, I’m a Warlock) and have Centrifuse and maybe one other exotic item. We attempted our first Nightfall last night and realized we were not fully ready for the transition. Cooldowns are still a bit long and we had two players leave our fireteam after reaching the final boss. I think we’re going to start the Beyond Light campaign next while grinding for shards and glimmer. Since I’ve noticed that increasing our LL has slowed, I’m wondering what to do next. Should we be working for exotics? Where should our stats be before attempting another Nightfall? Should we focus on Season of the Deep? Any advice would be much appreciated and I’m happy to share our current stats or clarify anything! Thanks, A new Guardian

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  • Изменено (God Eater): 8/14/2023 7:51:34 PM
    Level up your ghost. Equip the resilience armorer mod if you have it. This way, if you get a armor drop it will more likely roll with high resilience. Increase your firepower by purchasing fragments and aspects as you play from Ikora in the tower. These are critical to completing a subclass. Most importantly equip mods on your armor if you’ve saved up enough resources for armor with stats you value on that character. The recuperation mod is your BEST FREIND. Always have it on your legs at all times. I think these tips should help you going forward. WARNING: Beware the doomsayers/ trolls that lurk in the forums. They will tell you bad advice on a throw account and/or uninstall when they play every day. I hope this helps you and your partner!👍

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